North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited’s application to its Regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), to change its electricity distribution rates was filed on January 5th, 2020. The rate changes will affect all customer classes. The rate changes are proposed to be effective May 1, 2021, when approved. A copy of the full rate application is available to view below. For those who wish to receive a hard copy of the application, please send a formal request to, and arrangements will be made.
View the Notice of Application for New Rates by North Bay Hydro Distribution Limited
Customer Summary
Exhibit 1 – Administration No. EB-2020-0043 (6.3 MB)
Exhibit 2 – Rate Base No. EB-2020-043 (48.0 MB)
Exhibit 3 – Operating Revenue No. EB-2020-043 (399 KB)
Exhibit 4 – Operating Expenses No. EB-2020-043 (17.8 MB)
Exhibit 5 – Cost of Capital and Rate of Return No. EB-2020-043 (43 KB)
Exhibit 6 – Revenue Deficiency No. EB-2020-043 (3.0 MB)
Exhibit 7 – Cost Allocation No. EB-2020-043 (851 KB)
Exhibit 8 – Rate Design No. EB-2020-043 (2.8 MB)
Exhibit 9 – Deferral and Variance Accounts No. EB-2020-043 (4.8 MB)
Cost of Service Models and Workforms (14.5 MB)