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Fair Hydro Plan (FHP) – see FAQ’s

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North Bay Hydro has implemented the provincial government’s Fair Hydro Plan (FHP) – see FAQ’s below for more info.

 Q: Will I see a 25% credit on my bill?

            No, the average 25% reduction is a combination of changes to your bill, including the 8% rebate. You will see the most direct impact of the reduction in the form of lower RPP pricing, either time-of-use (TOU) or tier, on your bill under your electricity charges.

 Q: How do I know or figure out what my bill reduction is?

            The rates were set so that a ‘proxy’ customer (see Q below) will see a 25% reduction ($41) on a total bill. Your reduction will be based on your individual electricity usage and will be most noticeable on the TOU/tier lines of your bill at the reduced rates.

 Q: What is a ‘proxy’ customer?

            Because distribution rates vary across the province and customers use different amounts of electricity, the proxy customer has been deemed a residential customer of Toronto Hydro who uses 750 kWh of electricity a month, pays TOU prices and has the TOU consumption profile of a typical residential customer.

Please go to for more information.

Notice: Pinewood Area

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In a process that began years ago, as the residents of the Pinewood area can attest to, North Bay Hydro began making changes and upgrades to the majority of the infrastructure in the area, including back lot poles, wires, and the substation supplying the area, all of which were 60 years of age or older. The improvements were implemented to replace end of life infrastructure at high risk of failure, and ensure accessibility and continued reliable operation of the electrical system supplying the neighborhood. These objectives were achieved by the work, however, the new design of the substation has proven vulnerable to animal contact which in turn has led to over 6 long duration outage events in the past 7 years.  For this reason, NBH is reconstructing a part of the substation to eliminate the issue in the future.                                                                                                                                                                                          

The new infrastructure will eliminate exposure and further increase reliability and help ensure lower future operational costs. This work should be completed before year end. In the interim, other substations are supplying the impacted area.

Warning: OEB Scam

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The OEB has received reports that consumers have received phone calls, or approached by salespeople claiming to represent the OEB, offering energy conservation rebates on furnaces or water heaters and other financial incentives and saying that a home inspection was required.
These claims are untrue and violate OEB regulations that protect consumers. Consumers with questions or concerns about any sales calls or door-to-door experiences are encouraged to contact the OEB at 1-877-632-2727 within the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
If you receive a call or are approached at the door by an electricity or natural gas sales person, remember:
• Ask to see identification.
• Ask for a business ID card with the sales representative’s company information.
• Energy retailers can come to your home at certain times and give you information, but may not leave a copy of an energy contract with you.
Do not sign a contract at the door (this practice was banned by the OEB as of January 1, 2017

IRM Application

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The Ontario Energy Board issued its Distribution Rate Order Decision for approval of distribution rates, effective May 1, 2017.

Please see the attached Decision and Order for further information.

Dec_Rate Order_North Bay Hydro_20170330


8% Provincial Rebate

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Ontario is helping reduce electricity costs for families, businesses and farms.

As of January 1, 2017, the Government of Ontario is introducing an 8% rebate under the Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016 (“The Act”). The rebate is equal to the provincial portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on the bills of residential, farm, small business and other eligible customers and will begin to appear on electricity bills for eligible customers effective January 1, 2017.

All residential and small business customers will automatically qualify for this rebate; however, under additional eligibility criteria provided in the Act, larger commercial accounts may be eligible to receive the 8% rebate on their bill.

If you are a larger commercial account you would have received a letter from North Bay Hydro that included a ‘Self-Declaration Form for 8% Rebate on Electricity Bill’. The form should be completed only if your account meets any of the eligibility criteria listed on the form. Once completed, please return to North Bay Hydro by email, fax, or mail (contact details are listed on the form).

Based on the completed and signed Self-Declaration form that indicates qualification for the rebate, we will retroactively credit your account (as applicable) effective January 1, 2017 or to a maximum of two years from the date you provided us with the completed self-declaration form, if submitted after January 1, 2019.

*Forms received after January 16, 2016 will see the rebate applied on the next scheduled bill, along with applicable retroactive amounts.*

Rebate Eligibility Declaration Form – 2016

Customer Satisfaction Survey

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North Bay Hydro is running a Customer Satisfaction Survey. The survey will begin January 9th and run 4-6 weeks.

Residential customers will be contacted between 6:00pm – 9:00 pm Monday through Saturdays by phone. Businesses during the day, Monday – Fridays.

The survey is conducted by UtilityPULSE and will run approximately 10-11 minutes.


Any Questions, please call North Bay Hydro @ 705-474-8100

Outage Update

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North Bay Hydro is currently working on upgrading existing infrastructure to ensure long term reliability for our community for both today, and the future.

During this time, certain loads in the areas of Pinewood, Thibeault Terrace, and Highway 11 North, have been shifted, and are being fed from alternate Sub-Stations. As a result, they may be more susceptible to an “Auto-Reclose” event.

What is an ‘auto-reclose’?

Auto-reclose events are the reason for short periods (seconds) of power loss.  It is commonly referred to as a blip, or a quick on/off.

 Electricity can seriously injure or even kill. When an object such as a tree, bird or animal touches the overhead high voltage wires in such a way that creates a short circuit or fault, a breaker with reclosing ability will open up and cut power to allow for the object to clear the line. The breaker will then close quickly to restore power, hence the term auto-reclose. The system is designed this way to offset larger costs associated with the damage or loss of infrastructure that results from these faults , and maintain expenses that are typically associated with such an occurrence.

 In cases where the fault isn’t cleared from the reclosing function, the breaker will open again and remain open until a North Bay Hydro crew is dispatched to the area.

 In the past month we have, unfortunately, had a higher number of incidences in the West area of North Bay. These happenings have been a result of both tree and squirrel contact. However, rest assured, the North Bay Hydro System is working exactly how it is designed, and ensuring outages are simple and short in duration.

 North Bay Hydro also uses both Facebook and Twitter to communicate outage information with our community! 


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North Bay Hydro has submitted its 2017 electricity distribution rate application to the Ontario Energy Board for rates effective May 1, 2017. The proposed rate application would result in a slight decrease for Residential customers (750 kWh) of ($1.01) per month (-.70%). Small business customers (2,000 kWh) would have a similar bill impact reduction of ($2.90) or (-.76%).

NorthBay_EB-2016-0214_APPL_2017 IRM_09262016