In a process that began years ago, as the residents of the Pinewood area can attest to, North Bay Hydro began making changes and upgrades to the majority of the infrastructure in the area, including back lot poles, wires, and the substation supplying the area, all of which were 60 years of age or older. The improvements were implemented to replace end of life infrastructure at high risk of failure, and ensure accessibility and continued reliable operation of the electrical system supplying the neighborhood. These objectives were achieved by the work, however, the new design of the substation has proven vulnerable to animal contact which in turn has led to over 6 long duration outage events in the past 7 years. For this reason, NBH is reconstructing a part of the substation to eliminate the issue in the future.
The new infrastructure will eliminate exposure and further increase reliability and help ensure lower future operational costs. This work should be completed before year end. In the interim, other substations are supplying the impacted area.