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    Switch to e-Billing Today!

    Switch to North Bay Hydro’s e-Billing and streamline the way you manage your account. Enjoy secure, convenient access to your bills anytime, anywhere, while staying organized and saving time. Make the move to paperless billing and experience the difference today.

    Click Here

    North Bay Hydro’s Regulatory Scorecard

    The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has developed a scorecard for all local distribution companies across the Province as a tool to allow customers to gain a better sense of how well their utility is performing over a 5 year period. Utility scorecards track and show comprehensive performance information for each electricity utility in Ontario, over a range of time and for a specific year.

    Click Here

    2025 IRM Application

    Download Application

    Residential Customer Rights and Responsibilities: Disconnections

    Click Here

    Bill S-211 Fighting Against Forced Labour and
    Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

    Click Here

We may be calling you!

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PLEASE NOTE – You may receive a call regarding the Affordability Fund. This is legitimate and being done to ensure we inform as much of our community as possible.
Whether you rent or own, live in a house or an apartment, you may qualify.


    Receive a Home Energy Kit with upgrades that you can easily install yourself. This may include ENERGY STAR® light bulbs, a power bar and/or faucet aerators along with energy-saving tips.
    Receive an in-home visit from a professional Home Energy Advisor, a Home Energy Plan and upgrades that may include ENERGY STAR® appliances.
    For electrically heated homes only: receive an in-home visit from a professional Home Energy Advisor, a Home Energy Plan and upgrades that may include insulation and/or an ENERGY STAR® heat pump.

Visit Affordability Fund to find out more and enroll today.

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